Most authors are kind & super supportive of this project 🥳
They know that:
- I have been working full-time on for free since December 2020. I love books, and I want to build something that makes it fun to explore and discover books in unique ways. I want to do this while helping authors connect with readers and promote their books through a shared love of books.
- I am working to find a business model so this website can be sustainable. I've found the only way to do that is through Memberships from authors and readers. Display ads are intrusive and don't earn much, and affiliate revenue from books is not enough to pay our bills (longer post here).
- I've funded Shepherd through my savings to get it this far, and now, to go further, we need support from readers and authors through our membership programs.
A very small number of authors are assholes 😥
You are on this page because your email has been identified as making flawed assumptions, being rude, and generally being someone I don't want to work with.
Feel free to email me to ask questions about how something works or share your ideas.
I love those emails because they are curious and want to know more.
Otherwise, please don't email me and instead scream at your dog, the moon, or the TV.
Screaming at my team or me because you don't like our website, because you don't like our desire to build something new and unique, because you don't like Amazon, because you don't like the publishing industry, because you don't like your life, because you don't like our mascot, because of your mental illness, or for whatever reason, is rude.
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